SI Two

This is an image of my brother posing as Turin towards the end of "The Children of Hurin". Turin has just lost his son, his sister, his wife, and accidentally killed his best friend. He feels guilty and very sad. I chose to express those feelings by messing up the printed photograph. Just as life is not simple and neat, neither is this art. I ripped the edgess to give it more of a feel of a single moment, torn out of Turin's life. The red watercolor drips and handprint are to call to the attention of the viewer the guilt he has about the blood on his hands. My main question is: How can I explore the transcendental themes in the "Great Tales" and the messiness of life through altered portrait photography? Ideas: Demonstrating the guilt of Turin through contrast and markmaking Materials:Printed photography, watercolor Processes: I turned up the contrast to emphasise thr struggle of good and evil in Turin, I ripped the paper to make it seem like a momeny ripped out of time. I stained it with watercolor to suggest his guilt


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